
23 January 2012

Argo Toy Soldier with RPG

Made of Soft Plastic - 30mm Tall - Marked 'Argo 7'


  1. I have a small number of these, there are two or three GI's and another figure like yours, but standing with an M60 and a bow (for arrows!), I think they are meant to be RAMBO, but have yet to find some on the card/in the bag to confirm?

  2. Yeah I've seen a few similar ones on ebay - but not the one with a bow.
    I agree they're quite Ramboish.
    I remember seeing and ad (I think I have it but who knows where??!!)
    If I remember right it had a play map some figures and some diecst vehicles??? If I find anything else out I'll let you know.
    BTW are yours marked Argo also - can't seem to find much about that company.

  3. Yes they are...and no; I can't find out anything else about the company either!!

    There was a company called Argo in the 1950's but they were a US dimestore producer selling through Loeser's in New York.

    But in my A-Z there is an empty file named;

    ARCO - Arcotoys - See also 'Mattel'

    then in the book manuscript there's;

    ARCO/Arcotoys/Mattel, Hong Kong/China / USA, See also; Mattel
    40mm rigid polyethylene/polypropylene (?) figures bagged as rack-toys
    Product listing
    - Vietnam US Recon

    but under Mattel there's nothing in either resorce?

    Whether your Argo and my Arco are the same company? Anyway; at some point I must have found something linking the two, and with Mattel being the 'big buyer' shifting carded (?) sets with Arco on!


  4. Hey - here's an update
    while trolling about the Toy Soldier HQ site I found theis
    'ARCO - Giant reorganized and changed their name in the mid to late 1960s. using initials of family members they became ARCO.'
    and it has a listing for a 'ARCO farm header card bag'.
    I don't know where he got the info - havn't heard about it before...

  5. Yeah! I noticed he's changed the header for his Giant page to "GIANT (ARCO)..." but I know of no connection other than this farm set, but I have all sorts of sets with Giant stuff in which were simply re-bagging or re-carding of Giant or ex-Giant product or mouldings. I'd love to know the names of this family...that give A.R.C. and O? And where the information is documented???

  6. There was already (in the 1970's) a company in New York called Arco; unless this new source is suggesting that as well as changing their name Giant also got out of toys altogether, I suspect the new info is a bit of a red herring or dead-end?

  7. I think you're right there is no connections to Giant (at least that I've seen)..
    I have some arco toys
    mostly their noah's ark pieces - 2 h70's hong kong type animals in a header card
    they were notorious for their star wars nock-offs - SPACE WAR
    a arco - mattel line called 'Other World"
    with bendy rubbery figures and monsters
    I have also seen a arco cataloge put out by mattel in the late 70's early 80's..
    I seen other HK/ARCO toys on ebay
    but nothing that looks like a GIANT type toy

  8. I had some of these, exactly the same but moulded in black plastic.
    They were sold in a pack with:

    2 vehicles
    something like a missile launcher and a Jeep with a Mg on the back.

    2 copy of the same plastic terrain about 1'x1' 30cmx30cm

    1 plastic bridge to fix between the 2 terrain pieces

    1 plastic observing tower

    I hope someone could be interested in such infos

  9. I have same figures in green and need some more info like when they were made and who thay are ect...?

  10. All I can say is they're probably made in China - I'm guessing the mid 1990's.
    Some are saying that Arco was founded by the people that ran the Giant plastic figure franchise and were bought out by Mattel.
    Weather Argo-Arco are related is unknown.

  11. Got these figures but 3 inches/ 8 cm in a bag. Made in Argentina, manufactured by Miluplast S.A.C.I. /Users/hectorghiretti/Desktop/DSC01365.JPG
