
16 September 2011

Mattel C.U.T.I.E. Figures - 2

Coolest Ultra Tiny Individuals on Earth!
Set #3462 Lovey Doveys "Everyday dream girls!"

50-60mm Tall - Made of Rubbery Plastic - Marked 'Japan M.I. ©1986'

Mattel C.U.T.I.E. Figures - 1

Coolest Ultra Tiny Individuals on Earth!
An Assortment from the sets - #3460 Gym Dollies "All girl workout wonders!", #3463 Tiny Trendies "Fashion models of the year!" , and #3465 Rockity Rollers "All girl rock 'n roll band!"

50-60mm Tall - Made of Rubbery Plastic - Marked 'Japan M.I. ©1986'

15 September 2011

Boo Berry Squeak Toy

Mail Away Premium from General Mills Boo Berry Cereal

Made of Soft Rubbery Plastic - 190mm Tall - Marked 'Boo Berry' 'General Mills Ltd Reg TM'

14 September 2011

Blue Box - Hunter and His Dog

Made of Soft Plastic - 45mm tall - Marked 'Hong Kong'

12 September 2011

Attack Helicopter

120mm Long - Made of Soft Plastic - Marked 'China'

11 September 2011

Military Hydrofoil

Made of Soft Plastic - 120mm Long - No Markings

Ferry Boat

Made of Soft plastic - 110mm long - Marked 'Hong Kong'